Repair Ward on Maple Street

After my Women’s Tour, Edward met me in Sandpoint, ID, where we spent the holiday weekend with Martha and Kurt of Black Dog Cycle Works.

It was really fun for us to ride the 500 miles home together–it’s been a coupe of months since we’d been able to ride together, and it brought up all the great memories of the summer we traveled together in 2009.

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The great, wide open of Montana and Idaho.

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Riding in to Idaho Falls…

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So we pull up, and there are three adventure bikes parked out front. Neat-o! I swung around back as I usually do to park, but then realized when would I have the opportunity to take a pic of FIVE KTM 950’s parked in front of my house…

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So here are three weary travelers in need of some serious bike maintenance.

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Craig, Matthew and Ardie the Australian bloke had already ridden 12,000+ miles to and through Alaska and back. They were headed back to the Continental Divide Ride to finish their southbound journey, then head to their respective homes in the midwest and Australia.


Here’s what a small moto-world it is:

When I was having the fuel pump issues with my 950 on my Southwest trip, my friend Chris Kelly got online and somehow found Craig…and Craig shipped me a fuel spare pump he had out of the goodness of his heart. Much later I learned that Craig is friends with Edward (Craig didn’t know this when he helped me, a stranded traveler)…

Matthew is good friends with my cousin Ken, who was supposed to ride to South America with me (Matthew had put me up several times when I passed through Cleveland).

So we were glad to host then and even gladder to be able to spend time visiting old friend and making new ones.

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