Enduro360.com Interview

This week Chilly White of Enduro360.com interviewed me about my Mexico-Central-South America Ride. Click here for the full interview and see the pictures below. [Oops, he still has not published…

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Brian (Four Days in Granada)

[January 13-14-15: Nicaragua] [yes, I am going back in time trying to get caught up on the blog] I was hot. I’d ridden through some invisible curtain and the temps…

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Nicaragua (II)

Tuesday January 12th [Well, I just spent an hour on this post and realized I am repeating myself…I will leave it because it represents a LOT of work!] Luckily this…

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On the way out of Honduras I had the chance to stay with the lovely Bron family…the Dutch/Belgian family with their 3 active boys gave me some great insights into…

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