Chapulines (Mexican Crickets)
I’ve forgotten to mention in here that one of the other specialties of Oaxaca is their crickets, chapulines…large. small, any way you like ’em. And you cannot leave Oaxaca without trying them.
Stomach issues notwithstanding, one of our jokes was that I had to try one…and believe me I resisted.
Here’s Ruben teasing me with some
and here’s the close up
You actually see them at the markets in a wide variety of sizes…
and small
Ultimately I tried one of the smallest ones possible…(no, this is not what made me sick!) I figured it looked least like a cricket and was the least crunchy.
It was actually not bad.
(No photo because I just popped n in my mouth real quick.)
tasted like lime & chili pepper…
Some adventure eater I am … ha! I guess I’d better give up illusions of winning on “Fear factor”!!!
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