WEMT 2011: Day Six (Part Two)
Day Six – Women’s Empowerment Motorcycle Tour (part two)
Well. It has been an exciting day, and it was only mid-day!
Headed for lLunch in Mitchell, I’m riding along and I see something…out of place. I get closer, and closer, and what do I see? A SHOE tree!
But wait…it gets better!
Lunch in Mitchell nets us the best BLT I’ve ever had in my life…served by the town’s MAYOR!
Now my riding partner today is Vicki. Vicki is from L.A. Vicki thinks all this is hilarious. Until she sees that we’re parked in front of the “Needful Things” grocery store…
She telle ms I have to see the movie.
I decide to ride on. Next stop–John Day Fossil Beds National Monument (Painted Hills).
Vicki, on her Triumph America, followed me, er, Triumphantly, down a coupld miles of gravel road, past tour buses and camper vehicles. She tought it was all worth it when we saw this:
(yeah, I finally found the “wide” mode on my camera!)
and this
and this
I think I’ll end the day’s post with that!
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