Dec 11…a few days in Oaxaca

Jumping ahead in my story a bit, but thought I’d give a quick real-time update…

Remember Voni & Paul from Big Bend? Well, they introduced me to their friend Ruben in Oaxaca via email.

Ruben is the local BMW Ambassador here (while I am currently riding a Suzuki don’t forget that my roots are with BMW–I own a 2002 BMW R1150GS Adventure). Anyway, he invited me for a visit, a tour, help, whatever I wanted / needed while I was here. In other words, the perfect host. he’s traveled a LOT on the motorcycle himself, and he “gets” what motorcycle travelers need.

Two days ago he rode out to meet me and brought me to his lovely house. I got to meet his most beautiful wife Aurora, who shines with an unparalleled inner glow. I’ve been feeling poopy for the better part of a week, and when I arrived guess what they served me: CHICKEN SOUP! Bless them! (and Tonya the cook!)

OK, so here I am in Oaxaca, Ruben helped me with repairs / maintenance on my bike yesterday, and today (Friday) is my “day off”…I had visions of laying in their hammock, reading a book for pleasure, getting caught up on my blog, etc. NOT!

Tonya is doing my laundry and making juevos a la mexicana (Mexican eggs) for Ruben Jr. and I, then I am going to ride into town and meet Aurora at 11-11:30 for a grand tour of Oaxaca. I adore her and I am sure it will be a great day.

[One of the items on our agenda is the Mercado. Ruben Sr. tells me I have to try one of the fried crickets…I don’t think I can do it, even though it’s a specialty here.]

[Ruben also offered me the worms from the mezcal yesterday…so far I am not brave enough to even try the mezcal much less the worms!]


Tomorrow, Dec 12th, is the Festival da la Virgen de Guadalupe, Festival of the Virgin of Guadalupe–and I invited myself to stay one more day because I’d love to experience it through the eyes of ‘locals’. I hopet o get lots of great pics…

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