Here’s a link to an interview I had with Lauren Doyle of I am going to start writing for them. ~a

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(Luz=light in English) My first morning in Mexico everything is taking longer than I want it to: I have to figure out how to get the ginormous bike cover back…

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Voni’s Good-bye ride

These are Voni’s pics…thanks Voni for letting me share them. I don’t have many pics of myself. Arrival at the Rio Grande DOM Welcome to Presidio The launch… And she’s…

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Voni’s Pages

Not only is Voni Glaves active in the BMW community, but also active on Facebook (I haven’t dared try it yet). She was nice enough to publish my blog (and…

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Voni & Paul Glaves (at the Adobe)

Mmmm. Breakfast. Texas style. Make-your-own tortillas. Evidently Paul’s specialty. Paul also happens to specialize in motorcycle repair and troubleshooting. Not professionally (for pay), because he says that will take all…

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