Lidia Lorena Lizarraga

December 3, 2009 Mazatlan – Tepic, Mexico Moving Time: 4:15 Stopped Time: 2:56 181 Miles What a relief–it was warm when I woke up. Sunny, too. Almost hot. Wait, yes,…

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Ma. Elena

November 30, 2009 Maria Elena Ayala Gallegos So I’m packed, hauling my load to the elevator to pack the bike and head off to breakfast…and a woman comes up the…

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Hidalgo de Parral, Mexico

I took a day off in Hildago de Parral (click here for more info)…a town quite impressed with itself because of former famous resident Francisco Alvarado (who was so rich…

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San Juan (Saint John)

So Juan is there on the corner, asking me if I need help. He speaks English, and FINALLY, some instructions I can understand. Turns out he manages the dept store…

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[‘m jumping back in time here to give you a comprehensive story…] November 28, 2009 Arrival in Parral. 130 miles Moving Time= 4:02 Stopped Time= 1:42 I arrived in Parral…hmf….

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Saturday Dec 12th

Well I finally stopped being a tough gal and went to the doctor. yeah, I have the classic Mexican traveler’s bug, which pure & simply stinks. I’m told I have…

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Dec 11…a few days in Oaxaca

Jumping ahead in my story a bit, but thought I’d give a quick real-time update… Remember Voni & Paul from Big Bend? Well, they introduced me to their friend Ruben…

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Barranca Sinforosa

11/27/09 Moving time: 3:54 Stopped time: 1:42 128 Miles While most travelers, especially Moto travelers, head for Barranca del Cobre (Copper Canyon), I’d read that Barranca Sinforosa was equally as…

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