The Miracle of San Cristobal
I fell in love with San Cristobal. There is something in the air there–I mean, I fell in love with it even before I hit the main street. There was something in the air as I drove into town…an energy a feeling, I felt good.
I won’t bore you with the extreme details, but I want to share that in San Cristobal is where several things came together simultaneously for me.
I was finally feeling better again. I met some great motorcycle people that live there. I baked Christmas cookies. I had an idea for a new business, and met the contacts to make that happen. I expressed an interest in living in San Cristobal in the winters and fund an apartment. And a lace to keep the motorcycle. Edward agreed to try living in Mexico with me. AND the lovely people renting my house expressed an interest in renting for another year, enabling me to follow through on my ideas. Plus Gloria and Macey said they would help me find a solution for my cats. My MOM even said she *might* be able to stand it if I lived abroad half the year. Could it really be this easy?
Only time will tell, as it all depends on my house. (No pressure there
Lina and Steven) 🙂
Anyway, I’ll share some of the magic of San X through pictures…
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