Horizons Unlimited Event – October 14-16th, 2011

Want to meet veteran travelers from all over the world? Come to the Horizons Unlimited Event in Cambria, CA October 14-16th, 2011.

Mike and Sandy Dimond are the local hosts, and they’ve done a bang-up job of organizing a varied and quite interesting line of presenters–including Ted Simon, Gregory Frazier, Carla King and Clement Salvadori. And of course HU founders Grant and Susan Johnson will be there, gurus of world travel and bringing travelers together. Check out their web site for this California and other meetings: https://www.horizonsunlimited.com

If you are anywhere near the Bay Area or LA in California, or planning a motorcycle trip, you should make a point of attending. I’m riding there from Idaho with my friend Zigy (Colorado).


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