
February 15, 2010 I got a little later start than I would like, but it was worth waiting for the fog to clear off.  The Panamericana was great. qq Except…

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Sunday in Popayan

February 14, 2010 [Sunday] I bring some goodies over to the house and have breakfast with the girls. Andrea wants to take me for a tour of the things I…

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February 13, 2010 Today Catalina and her sister Andrea pick me  up at 6:30 am to go up to the Thermals at Coconuco. We want to get there before it…

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Back to Popayan

February 12, 2010 (continued) Okay, well fed, my ride back to Popayan starts in earnest. It’s beautiful scenery, along 150 +/- km of dirt roads, and I am loving it….

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Tourism in San Agustin

February 11, 2010 Or tourism anywhere for that matter… I suppose there’s all kinds of tourism to be had, if one looks for it. I did NOT go looking for…

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My first ride in an Ambulance…

February 11, 2010 (continued) So when Humberto dropped me off,  he told me there’s a colectivo (collective taxi) that leaves every 10 minutes from the museum to the town…just grab…

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San Agustin II

February 11, 2010 Well I decided to “splurge” and rent a horse (and guide) to tour San Agustin. There are 4 sites that are up in the backcountry that I…

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