Good-bye to Aurora and Ruben

December 13, 2009 Monday Alas, I was feeling better. My stomach evidently just needed a “rest”. Aurora helped me “cheat” a little bit by making my carrot juice one afternoon,…

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Chapulines (Mexican Crickets)

I’ve forgotten to mention in here that one of the other specialties of Oaxaca is their crickets, chapulines…large. small, any way you like ’em. And you cannot leave Oaxaca without…

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Random Market Pics – Oaxaca

Before I leave Oaxaca Aurora takes me to the market again–this time the food market. What a wonder these places are. I’ll just show you some random images because they…

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Michael (Bouldergeek)

December 11, 2009 [Sorry my blog is so far behind–I am trying to keep my story in order] So after my nice siesta, I made plans to meet up with…

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Here’s an article that was just published on

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