Alisa in Buenos Aires and flying to Seattle May 19th
[May 14th, 2010]
Sorry I have confused some of you…I always run a little behind on the blog (check the dates at the beginning of the post!). I am currently in Buenos Aires and done riding in South America (this trip!). I packed up the Twisted DR and delivered it to the airport yesterday, and now I am just hanging out at Dakar Motos with other travelers and trying to catch up on my blog.
I arrive in Seattle May 19th in the morning. Hopefully the DR will arrive the same day and I can go directly to customs and retrieve her. I’ll spend a couple of days visiting friends in Seattle and ADVrder jeickerman has hooked me up with a hand specialist. Then it’s an 800 mile ride to meet up with my hunney in Rigby, Idaho…
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