Adventuring for a Cure
Summer 2009 I rode with the “Dirty Dozen”, twelve women who had never ridden a motorcycle off-road, that signed up for an adventure in the wilds of Colorado. We raised over $45,000 for breast cancer cures, made lasting friendships, and pushed ourselves further than we ever thought we could.
My life was changed forever. As I planned my Central & South America ride, I thought “why not” and decided to make that trip a fundraiser for breast cancer cures as well.
Cancer stinks. I lost both of my grandmothers to it years ago. My father has been struggling to be healthy with 4th stage lung cancer for over a year now.
I’ll join the Women’s Motorcyclist Foundation ( again this summer for their Adventure for a Cure in Alaska. I’m honored to be a “ride leader”, and I have pledged to do what I can to offset the costs to get me there and do my part in fund-raising. I’ll ride in honor of my father because his attitude towards this awful disease is truly inspiring.
Just like in 2009, we all pay our own way, in addition to our fundraising. All donations go STRAIGHT TO SUSAN G KOMEN FOR THE CURES . Participants don’t touch a penny.
What You Can Do to Help
Frequent Flier Miles Donation
I am looking for someone to donate frequent flier miles to get me to Anchorage. WMF has a budget to get me there, but if someone donates FF miles, then that portion of their money can go towards other operational expenses. Plus someone gets to feel real good (maybe even get a tax break) and it won’t cost them a penny!
Donate Funds
I’ve set up a fundraising page at
Donations can me made online, directly to Susan G Komen for the Cures. Small or large, every donation is appreciated, and all go straight towards the Cures.
Gas Sponsorship
I am looking for a contact at a gasoline company to ask them about sponsoring my gas on this ride. Anyone got a contact they can put me in touch with?
The opportunity to do what I love and make a difference in this world makes my heart sing. Thanks for being along for the ride!
~Alisa (MotoAdventureGal)

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