Motorcycle Ride the Continental Divide (Riding the Divide)

August 4th I rode with my travel partner GSPDman to Antelope wells, where we began our Continental Divide Ride (CDR _or_ CDT for Continental Divide Trail).  In 2013 I plan to start leading motorcycle tours on the Continental Divide


, so this run from South to North will be a scouting tour.

MotoAvdnetureGal and GSPDman Ready to ride the Continental Divide
MotoAdventureGal and GSPDman Ready to ride the Continental Divide
MotoAdventureGal and GSPDman in ABQ
MotoAdventureGal and GSPDman in ABQ


Motorcycling the Continental Divide in the extreme New Mexico heat
Yeah it’s HOT


Derelict Church in Hachita, NM


Camping Close to the Mexican border. Interestingly enough the Border patrol passed within 200 yards of us and didn’t stop to investigate…


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