Leaving Paracas

March 21, 2009

After a week of R&R at Hipocampo, I felt ready to continue south.

Here are some  sights along the Panamericana:

Just south of Ica I got an imp: something I’d read in Lonely Planet I wanted to see, so I took a detour and headed West towards the ocean…

I  followed this road of nothing to nowhere. At first I was entranced by the desert…it really is a thing of beauty.

But after a while an inner voice kept telling me I should turn around. I was stubborn but this little intuitive voice was persistent, and soon I turned around and headed back to the Panamericana.

I found this pile of onions curious in this land that wastes nothing…

I pretended to be taking a picture while passing this guy…I have no idea whether he wanted me to stop or not…I was determined not to have to work my way around another mordida (bribe).

I entered this cool canyon and it was sort of like a funnel for all the trucks…luckily I am able to go right around them with  very little trouble.

It was a mighty descent into this oasis of green in the desert.

At teh bottom of the valley was a river. I found this a really pleasant sight. I pulled over to watch the families enjoying the cool water in this otherwise very hot desert. It was a Sunday and  it was nice to see all the families.

OK, I have no idea what this is, but I’d definitely like to avoid it…

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