SO what’s next?
I think it’s fairly impossible to just step back into your previous life after a journey like I’ve taken.
I think 6+ months out of your daily routine, 6+ months all alone, 6+ months learning to rely 100% on yourself in ways you never imagined, is a powerful catalyst for change. Travel enables one to see their life, their circumstances, and their habits from a unique perspective in a way that nothing else does.
And being out of a routine for 6+months allows you to see your routine as just that–routine, and not necessarily as a way life “is” or necessarily has to be. So now I can *choose* what I want in my life, and what I don’t. I now have an opportunity to *choose* what to spend my time, money and attention on, instead of coming from that place where I am reacting out of habit (we always have this choice, it’s just that now I am able to see it so much more objectively).
Edward and I are riding to Alaska as our ‘reunion” trip.
August 11-15th, 2010 I will be a presenter at the International Women Riders Congress and Festival (IWCF) in Ontario.
Women’s Tour
My friend Karen Thomson (Avid Moto Tours) are planning a cross-country trip for women who think they cannot ride a motorcycle across the country! This has been a dream of mine for a couple of years and I am finally putting it in motion. We plan to do this tour June & July 2011 (more on this in another post–stay tuned!).
Slide Presentations
I’ve put together a slide show of my Trans America Trail trip AND the South America trip, and I hope to deliver them to motorcycle clubs and dealers across the country. If you are interested in having me come to a dealer near you, by all means tell your dealer about me and let me know where you are at!!
I’ve also put together a presentation “Ride You Dream” that’s based on my presentation at the Women’s conference, that will hopefully empower people and give them the tools to make a big trip happen.
I’ve been writing up some of my adventures and working on getting them published in Motorcycle Magazines. Queries are out!!
As I write this I am already back on the East Coast, Upstate NY in fact. I’m vising with dear friends the Ames family.
I’m not going to blog here about the Alaska trip, rather I am going to start in the NOW and continue forward. After many requests, I’ve decided to keep updating here with what I am up to.
Thanks for following along–I hope I have inspired some of you to ride your own Dreams through my adventure.
I hope that everyone comes to look at their own life as a Grand Adventure!
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