WEMT 2011: Day Six (Part One)

Day Six of the Women’s Empowerment Motorcycle Tour

We left Baker City in much cooler temps than when we arrived…like most mornings I plugged in my WarmNSafe jacket liner to keep the chill out.  We followed OR-7, and it was a lovely, twisty, scenic  ride through the forest.

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The forest opened up into a valley

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I saw this wagon and had to stop

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here was the view out the other end of the wagon:

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If I’d been traveling West a centure and a half ago and saw that view, I betcha I would have just stopped right there.

Anyway, I had to ham it up a bit

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A gas and pottie break in Dayville, and I find a new friend (attached to the restroom key)

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There’s a bench, and a chatty lady having her lunch, so Vicky and I have a snack her and pick her brain about which are the best roads and fossil sites in the John Day Fossil Beds complex.

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We opt for the main visitor complex and exhibits

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We walk through the exhibits

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I like this one: he looks cute and cuddly.

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I felt like this one when the tour bus pulled up…WEMT 2011 393  time for us to roll!

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