SO what’s next?

Hm. I think it’s fairly impossible to just step back into your previous life after a journey like I’ve taken. I think 6+ months out of your daily routine, 6+…

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Seattle to Idaho

May 19-23, 2010 My flight from Buenos Aires stopped in Houston, where I cleared myself through customs. I’d been out of the country 7 months, had 26 extra pages tacked…

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Lujan Zoo

Welcome to the Coolest Zoo I have ever been to. I walk past this at the entry… And go straight to the Tigers! Tigers! Is this cool or WHAT! I…

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Dakar Motos

May 9-18, 2010 Well, let me tell you, 10 days is a looooooooooooooooooong time to sit in one spot after traveling for over a year (and 7+ months of it…

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Argentinian Police (BUSTED!!!)

May 9, 2010 Breakfast! (Included in the spendy room rate) Get this: the waitress comes by and asks if I want coffee. of course! (Although I never exactly know the…

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Welcome to Argentina!!

May 8, 2010 Believe me, I was eager to get everything all set and get out of Posadas (Paraguay) after being robbed.  Big Bridge separating the two countries. One of…

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May 6, 2010 I’d spent about 4 hours on the internet last night, then finished off a cheesy novel in my room reading until the wee hours. Next morning I…

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