Antigua, Guatemala

I spent 4 days in Antigua and met some wonderful people, including Maggie, who is on a similar spiritual path as I.  We went for a long hike together one…

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Santa Monica

January 18, 2010 I’m in Liberia, Costa Rica right now. Sorry to confuse people with my chronology; Today I did a television interview at the Santa Monica mammography  center. It…

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My love affair with Tope

December 18, 2009 I am a lucky woman. How many women do not recognize they are in love, before they throw away their affair? This was the day before I…

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I entered Guatemala on Saturday, December 12th. Carlos, Doris, their son Esteban and their nephew all rode with me from San Cristobal to the border. I crossed at La Mesilla…

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San X Market with Doris

Even though Doris has a lady that helps in the kitchen, Doris loves the market and chooses to go herself. And I was lucky enough to be invited along. Doris…

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My friends Ruben and Aurora introduced me to their friends Carlos and Doris in San Cristobal. By another chance of fate, just as I arrived in San Cristobal I met…

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