Inca Trail

May 2, 2010 Next day at breakfast, back at joy Ride cafe, we noticed that they also offered tours…MOTORCYCLE tours! Cool! It was Rick’s great idea to hire a tourguide…

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May 1, 2010 It was a cool morning, destination: Sucre. We had about 60 miles of dirt before hitting pavement, and Rick left me in the dust, literally, as he…

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So 10 days of being sick in La Paz gave my hand a proper amount of time to heal, and so I looked forward with relish my first day back…

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Welcome to Bolivia!

April 12, 2010 Well, leaving Peru was a hassle for me. There were several steps involving multiple offices, and on top of it a guy at the gate wanted to…

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Welcome to Peru!

March 2, 2010 Welcome to Peru! Why is is that most borders are at a river? I guess it’s boundary that does not move so much. But hey, I cross…

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Chicken Soup for the Gringa

December 9, 2009 Acatlán – Oaxaca, Mexico no stats recorded I awoke to an ant infestation. Ants *everywhere*. And I had no food in my room. Yet I had ants…

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I Brake for Iguana

December 8, 2009 Ixtapan – Acatlán (Mexico) Moving Time= 7:16 Stopped Time=2:38 200 miles I wanted to try to get all the way to Oaxaca today…I had some friends-of-friends there,…

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