I Brake for Iguana

December 8, 2009 Ixtapan – Acatlán (Mexico) Moving Time= 7:16 Stopped Time=2:38 200 miles I wanted to try to get all the way to Oaxaca today…I had some friends-of-friends there,…

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Almost a regular…

December 26, 2009 This morning, on my way to Spanish Class, I passed the same ancient gentleman, dressed in the traditional Mayan clothing, that has greeted me every morning I…

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Strawberry Heaven

December 6, 2009 Guanajuato – Angangueo Moving Time= 6:06 Stopped Time= 1:56 219 miles Leaving Guanajuato was easier than I expected: I took the tunnel in front of the hotel…

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Christmas Eve

San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala The contrast here is making me very sad–I am so very privileged to have the time, leisure, and money to travel and sample the world,…

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Sunday’s Little Adventure

Dec 20, 2009 My Spanish is getting better every day, but I am still a little unsure, when a local tells me that a certain road is dangerous, if it’s…

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Women Riders Now

Do you ride a motorcycle? Do you know about Women Riders Now? Genevieve Schmitt, motorcycle goddess extraordinaire and celebrated Moto-journalist publishes this weekly email about women and motorcycles. She’s recently…

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My Kingdom for a Tampon

OK, boys, you can stop reading this post right now if you are squeamish about girl stuff. <> First off, I need to say that I’m usually a tough chick….

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Guanajuato, MEXICO

Zaplatanejo, MEX to Guanajuato, MEX Moving Time: 4:20 Stopped time: 1:15 170 Miles Linda and Joel had waxed poetic about Guanajuato Pronounced Wanna-Watt-o), Mexico, a colonial city with lots of…

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