
February 5, 2009 Well, as nice as Casablanca hostel is, I got a rotten night’s sleep…I am a light sleeper, and in a dorm room of 10 people…oofa. I missed…

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The Road to Cali

February 4, 2010 Back out the Valley road back to the Panamericana. Nice pass on the double yellow… PEAJE. The road was hot and flat and pretty straight. I rode…

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Manizales, Colombia

February 2, 2010 Adolfo was leaving the next morning as well. We were both headed south, and frankly I was REALLY unsettled now. I was happy to be riding with…

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My Quick Tour of Medellin

January 31, 2010 We walked to the train station Which is the public transport system. For $1 we rode all the way to where the the MetroCable connect and took…

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First days in Colombia

January 29, 2010 I admit I had a rough start to traveling in Colombia. I thoroughly enjoyed Central America, and had had the thought just before crossing over “why not…

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The easy way to cross the Gap

Everything said and done, I have to admit while I found the  whole Panama City experience very stressful, I had it SUPER easy. What a lucky turn of fate that…

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