Huaraz – Lima

March 10, 2010 Feeling a little bit better, I decided to ride BACK to the coast and go to Lima. I wanted to avoid Lima, and I was already in…

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Trujillo — Viru

March 7, 2010 Breakfast. I am not feeling good, my stomach is “not right” and, well, I have diarrhea. Drat. Luckily they make pills for this. Guess it wasn’t nerves…

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Here’s Ken’s latest installment on my journey.

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Towards the Coast Again

March 6, 2010 Celendin was a crummy little town. I got “poached” in front of one hotel and led to another, only to be told lies about there being hot…

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More Andes

March 5, 2010 Leimebamba – Celendin After my tour of the Leimebamba museum,  I realized I’d better get gas before moving on. Looking at the map,  my  best bet was…

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