
So 10 days of being sick in La Paz gave my hand a proper amount of time to heal, and so I looked forward with relish my first day back…

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Welcome to Bolivia!

April 12, 2010 Well, leaving Peru was a hassle for me. There were several steps involving multiple offices, and on top of it a guy at the gate wanted to…

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Another Week in Cuzco

Well after returning to Cuzco from Maccu Picchu, I decided to take advantage of Eden’s offer to help with the bike. He rode it over to the shop for me,…

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Machu Picchu

April 2, 2010 At long last, I am on my way to visit Machu Picchu. They told me I would be picked up at my hotel between 5:30 and 6….

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Being a Tourist in Cuzco

So, with a broken mitt I decide to be a tourist for the day. First stop, the tour office, where I regretfully tell them I need to take the real…

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