
March 4, 2010 (continued) Leaving Kuelap the views are just spectacular.  I’m more confident (aggressive) riding now that I know the road is really not as deserted as I thought…

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Machupicchu !!!

Well, I made it into Aguas Calientes, hiked Machupicchu and Waynupicchu today, and I have to hike out tomorrow. Hopefully I will be back in Cuzco tomorrow night if my…

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SO I tentatively rolled out just as the construction people were getting organized… Unfortunately, further on down the way they already WERE organized, so I entertained myself by making friendly…

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Welcome to Peru!

March 2, 2010 Welcome to Peru! Why is is that most borders are at a river? I guess it’s boundary that does not move so much. But hey, I cross…

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Vilcabamba: Last stop in Ecuador

March 1, 2010 I’m truckin’ South on the Panamericana. I don’t think I have mentioned this yet, but it seems the universal symbol for something in the road ahead, is…

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February 28, 2009 I left Baños and headed towards Cuenca. I really thought I had seen everything. Until this. That poor little sheep was bleating it’s fool heart out. Oofa. …

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