Rolón family

May 3, 2010 It was a lovely, and long, and rather hot ride to Tebicuary. Robert Rolón  had invite me to stay with his family there, and tour the sugar…

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May 1, 2010 Welcome to Paraguay! I had to ride another 50 k that morning after breaking camp, and arrived at this Paraguayan outpost…not sure what they really did since…

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Into the Chaco

May 4th, 2010 Oofa. I wake up and I am a wreck. The only satisfaction I have is that there’s a car in front of the hotel entrance–I ask them…

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Chaco (Bolivian Side)

In order not to repeat myself here, I’ll re-post the link to my Chaco experience I wrote about on This tree is called the “palo borracho”, the drunken…

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